
Style Guide

Styling I’ll make pretty easy, just run one of the following scripts.

On Linux:


On Windows:


Other rules for Python files:

  • Try to keep files under 1,000 lines.

  • Try to keep functions under 50 lines.

  • All functions should have a docstring.

  • All classes should have a docstring.

  • All modules should have a docstring.

  • Duplicate code is bad.

Ideally, smaller is better. It is more readable and testable.

Giant functions and files will not be merged.

Extract functionality into smaller, well-named functions.

Type hints should be applied but not strictly enforced.


Documentation is written in reStructuredText and is built using Sphinx.

To generate the documentation, run the following command:

On Linux:

cd docs

On Windows:

cd docs

Not required, but nice. It’s automatically pulled from docstrings so it’s not too hard.


Would love to see some tests, but not required.

There are currently very few.

If you want to add some, please do.

Pull Requests

You should make an issue first, and then make a pull request.

If you make a pull request without an issue, it will be closed.


Check other issues first, do not make duplicates.

Please make an issue before making a pull request.

If you don’t intend on implementing the feature,

it will be assigned to a milestone if accepted otherwise it will be closed.

If you do intend on implementing the feature,

it will be assigned to you, without a milestone.

If you abandon the feature, it will be unassigned and closed if not of great interest.